I got a text from an ex-girlfriend this morning. It was at about 4:00 am it said something like 'are you alive'? And so started, before the sun and lasting for about two hours, a talk. It was interesting because we got onto this strange tangent of fate and causality. The topic was so interesting I am still thinking about it now 14 hours later.
There is this conflict in me regarding fate. Since I do know a thing or two about science this is where my reasoning comes from. But my conclusions are all fate based.
Fate; the idea that all events past and future are predetermined, makes vary much sense to my reasoning as well as my beliefs. The summary goes like this; if one can see all the atoms in all of existence then one can determine where they will go. So if one knows where every atom is going to be at one time then they know where every atom is at all times. This thereby brakes down on the quantum level but it might be possible to predict all forms of matter all that is needed is to be able to observe them in all their existence, not being limited to three dimensions for one. So the possibility of the original theory still being valid holds.
On the other hand my feeling about this idea only holds water in the past or the future. As far as decisions I make in the present are concerned all I can say with confidence is there is a probability of action not A certainty no matter how much is understood. So if there are an infinite number of parallel universes then which one are we in. Whoops jumped a thought. All possible outcomes to any event not only can happen to a certain probability but they do happen it's only us that experience one of the possible outcomes. So back to it. Which one are we in!?
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