This past weekend I witnessed my grandfathers headstone unavailing. This was the reason for the family reunion that led to my getting a new computer and blogging again. My cousin had an old spare from ten years ago and now I can has intertubes. I'm so happy for the random coincidences I've received and humbly except it's irrationality. With this old beast I have planes for many new things one includes a new 'old beast'. Less old. In the interim I have to thank J. D. Sawyer for his antithesis feed it saved my boredom! That podcast is so intense and I love how there's such a back log so I don't have to wait! Side note; iTunes U is full of teh awesome! Oh and enjoy the new format and contact page. I made them just for you.
A nother shout out to Pip for kiwis there just such adorable birds. If you have no idea why your reading this just remember it's all relative like Einstein or Dad. But don't go out in the woods because there are tigers lions and bears uh-oh. I lost my track of...
So thank you John for the computer.