Saturday, February 27, 2010

You can help

This is cindof last minute but I didn't realy get it till now that one of the real powerful things a blog could do was actuly link to others and give them more traffic as aposed to trying to get all the atention. So in this weard idea I say go to it's a great couse and I'll be there all day today. My suport for Tee is rather short but only becuse of my abilety to give. I figure if I'm broke I shouldent give money so everything I can think of I'll do. Again this is cindof last minute but still go and make the effect boom. (bad pun, very nesesary) All the best to evreone realy doing something for the Morris family.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Life is like...

I got a text from an ex-girlfriend this morning. It was at about 4:00 am it said something like 'are you alive'? And so started, before the sun and lasting for about two hours, a talk. It was interesting because we got onto this strange tangent of fate and causality. The topic was so interesting I am still thinking about it now 14 hours later.
There is this conflict in me regarding fate. Since I do know a thing or two about science this is where my reasoning comes from. But my conclusions are all fate based.
Fate; the idea that all events past and future are predetermined, makes vary much sense to my reasoning as well as my beliefs. The summary goes like this; if one can see all the atoms in all of existence then one can determine where they will go. So if one knows where every atom is going to be at one time then they know where every atom is at all times. This thereby brakes down on the quantum level but it might be possible to predict all forms of matter all that is needed is to be able to observe them in all their existence, not being limited to three dimensions for one. So the possibility of the original theory still being valid holds.
On the other hand my feeling about this idea only holds water in the past or the future. As far as decisions I make in the present are concerned all I can say with confidence is there is a probability of action not A certainty no matter how much is understood. So if there are an infinite number of parallel universes then which one are we in. Whoops jumped a thought. All possible outcomes to any event not only can happen to a certain probability but they do happen it's only us that experience one of the possible outcomes. So back to it. Which one are we in!?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

An excerpt on my thoughts

I've been thinking about fashin lately. On and off every time I see a comercial or something the idea hits me; why do people like this. It's not like I don't care about what I whare. Some days I look like shit and some days I dress to the nines. But for me there are simple rules for good fashin if it makes you feel how you want to then it's good and all men can pull off pink. But for these high type disigners that insist on over the top consepts and clothing that's so panful the models need drugs to not let the pane show then why do we see it as fashin? The epiphony I had wich prompted this as a subject for my blog was maybe it's nesessary. Maybe we need these over the top ideas to creat the practical ones. If the consept of good fashin was soly created by popular demand then it would not get any new idias to change it. If infact we don't let the fashin world go willed like the art world then we might be stuck with the same dreck that's time tested to sell and any posebilety for faliar would be discurejed. Sound fumiliar. It's just like Hollywood produssers and other indesties we've come to take for granted won't surprise us. This sence of security is not what we need we have politics for that. So in the real world we can look at what's on the run way as a vage idea of what's going to be in the closet a vary vage idea.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nasrudin Judge

This is an old story, its origins date back to ancient Persia.  I was taught this and many others in the oral traditions of pre-written society.  As an experiment i wrote it dawn to see if the qualities of oration could be transcribed on to paper.  after many years i feel that some of the feeling of the oration  translates.  

There was a great chef that was famous in all the land.  He made food that even rajahs and kings sought after and paid immense sums to enjoy.  Now in his hometown he hade a wonderful restaurant which obviously brought many costumers.  One particular man that adored the chef more then anyone else was a poor homeless beggar.  Obviously this beggar did not have enough money even to venture into the restaurant but every day he would sit out side smelling the delicious cuisines that were served inside.   This minuscule pleaser alone was the only thing he had to sustain his willingness to live.  Though he was only able to smell the food he gratefully enjoyed every bit of it.  Now the news of this ragged poor-man eventually reached the chef.  Furious at hearing this he immediately confronted the beggar demanding that he pay for the food he had smelled.  The beggar pleaded with the chef begging him to let him stay even though he had not enough to pay.  Even more enraged the chef insisted this be taken up with the Mullah.  Mullah Nasrudin was heed of the town and was in charge of resolving all conflicts.  As the chef and beggar come before the mullah the chef explained the predicament to the mullah and stated his confidence that the mullah would favor the chef.  Mullah Nasrudin slowly pondered the situation.  After a while he asked the beggar to give him all the money the beggar owned.  Heartbroken the beggar slowly reached into the inner folds of his ragged robes.  With great care and sadness he handed the mullah the treasured and nearly empty moneybag.  Calmly Nasrudin held the bag up to the chef’s face and shook it.  Mullah Nasrudin then said “the sound of money for the smell of food.” 

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Episode 0

this is going to be difficult because i'm using the on screen keyboard. mine wont work proper. is is an example of wen i pe w m acual kebord. see to many buttons don't work. but never the less i'd say its apt that i cant type properly because it wouldn't help my spelling otherwise. who knows maybe ill be more consuse of my self this way. guess not.

Where would you rather live?