Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prison poem #5

Sum of the Parts

Two plus two equals for not that is matters why is god mad max is in thunder and lighting are scary.  Where two or more gather you have a conspiracy is the state.  None to much can I do what no.  No.  NO.  Yeah.  Feelings do not integrate with imagination.  True to form I fail.  Yell College of Music can be none to good a place for an Anthropologist.  Thrice the bell tells the time.  When we are in the place of mercy god says "to-ralu, tura-lu".  From time to time I can tell if this is real or if this is a dream but afterwords I cant remember which it is.  There is no mercy for the wise.  To much of a good thing is greater than the hole in my pocket.  For what is it that we are not or for what are we for? in the end we can not hear the devil speak for in the end we are not.  To much to much.  To much.  To much.  To Much.  Sing little birdy.  I will dance in the morning and go bad in the night.  Five times I fallow the path round and round the pentagon grove.  Flowers bloom and guns glow.  Round and Round in surceal sow.  This little piggy aught pork and glutinous was he.  I am.  He is.  They are.

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