I am smart I have knowledge. I know a lot of facts. It's crazy what kinds of things I know or will fill in. "here's a fun fact..." would could die from boredom before I finished telling all my fun facts. I know a lot about a lot of things. I can say hello in 10 different languages. I can only speak English fluently and Spanish passingly. Me espanyole ess mui bweno en me cabesa. I know how to do a lot stuff... theoretically! I with my knowledge I can problem solve a lot of stuff even that witch I have never seen before. I offer it sometimes because I know how, or will figure out how, or will find out how, to fix stuff. I won't tell you anything you don't already know unless I do. Knowledge is not power; knowledge is potential power at best. I am freely willing to share what I have.
I am not sure why I feel the need to complain about the fact I know something. Its a good trait to have. I have helped myself for the knowing of something but it when relying on just my smarts I usually haven't succeeded It takes more than knowing to win. What is the other half of the battle?
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