The way I organize it is with a playlist that gets new episodes downloaded at the bottom while old episodes are deleted from the top. For practicality purposes I only add new episodes while plugged in and on wifi. To ensure that I won't run out of podcasts to listen to while I'm out and about I keep a buffer of 20+ episodes.
In this regard its kind of like "magic the gathering" I start off with 20 life points and if I get to 0 your dead. Every turn (day) I take damage (the number of episodes I listen to). As a preventive measure I have life giving cards (new episodes) some have a large supply of tokens (unheard episodes) others give life after periods of time. The really powerful ones slow down how much damage I take (long episodes).
This is just shit on my mind. It took me 5 times as long to write this than I took conceiving, contemplating, and enjoying the thought before moving on to something else.
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