Saturday, June 13, 2015

In finished essay

I look around me at the bountiful trees. And think. Think about views, philosophies, hard work, and music. It's wonderful living in modern times. 

In the twenty first century people have more varied opinions then ever before. There is less fear in speaking and sharing views today. I have a few controversial opinions. I know I am out spoken when I talk about socialism, skepticism, or currency but I do not fear repercussion for speaking my mind. Conversely I like hearing others views and talking, at long length on disagreements. No duels, head lopping, or excommunication be a worry. Isn't it nice. 

Living thousands of centuries since the invention of the written word provides a litany schoolers that have recorded the metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics that have been compiled to great our curing library of philosophy. In the past year I have endeavored to educate myself on some of the contents of this library. I have the time, the means, and the comprehension to learn this. This is all do to the standard education afforded anyone in a first world country. The gift of this education has only been bestowed to the masses relatively recently. What a wonderful present. 

One thing that has not changed from the beginning of time till now; nothing happens with out work. It may have started with forces acting upon matter. Today it also includes earning a living. I have what I have because I work to keep it. I am employed by a company to perform services in exchange for money. And then I use that money to purchase services from other companies and goods from craftsman in return. At home I must work to maintain the lifestyle I have. This force applied over a distance is what we do to keep doing. 

But hopefully (this is the part where I talk about music in the twenty first century)

(This is the part where I conclude all my points into one statement)

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