Thursday, August 04, 2011

Lies my parents told me.

The fact that our parents aren't gods has never been revolutionary to me.  well not for the past ten years.  the idea that the would lie or try to stop my progress is one that i would agree with if asked.  But my parents weren't really my parents.  I mean they taught me things and helped me define my moral and philosophical campus but they didn't do allot of parenting.  TV did that.  more specifically the sci-fi channel and its 03:00 infomercials.  I know way too much about dog food! but to think that my parent the good old boob tube was deceptive now that never crossed my mind.  Until now.  In the early nineties the quality of speculative fiction on television was for lack of a more eloquent word crap! the dialog suffered the acting was flat and the plot had no grounding in logic.  Think Johnny Mnemonic but pi times worse.  that's right 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 times worse that's a vary specific amount.  I used the situations and people as instructions for life.  Boy am i screwed up now.  It took me to watching it again to realise that I was basing my understanding of social dynamics on crappy emotionless acting.  no wonder I'm bad on stage the given the base examples of acting I have.    

Where would you rather live?