Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Prison Poem #00

In a hole. I find myself hear not because i fell but because i walked.  Slowly but surly step after downward step until I have to look all the way up to find sunlight.  Now I climb. Now I fight against the odds and struggle to survive   Survival is not guarantied and coming out of this unsecured is pretty much impossible.  Fighting agents this current will hurt.  Knowing my goal will make the pain bearable   It will be hard exhausting work but the struggle I relish  I once said that I would dig my self out of this hole when it deep enough.  Prison is deep enough.  I don't know why put myself into this mess just like i don't know why its time to get out of it. but it is.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


What a night! they were incredible.  I watched until I couldn't help but start dancing.  The band, consummate professionals, played there talent to the fullest.  There was so much funk that the hole club was overflowing.  The dance flore was packed with bodies, feeling the rhythm  The dance made for good cardio.  I cant seem to stop gushing.  Any way the Philadelphia Funk Authority played MainGate and they will play there again on the 16th.  Ill be there will you?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Prison Poem #21

Life Is Like

life is like a rose.
life is like three dollar bill; pretty and real and spent well.
life is like a summer day; lazy
life is like no word at all; understanding
life is like time going backwards; things make sense
life is like sex in a hammock; two people afraid of falling out
life is like a prison cell; cozy, constructive, confusing, inspiring
life is like drugs bought on the street; over priced and unsatisfying
life is like a wake up hangover; wondering what happened the night before
life is like an old tombstone; politely ignored
life is like
life is like a misunderstanding
life is like a person
life is like a piece of fruit
life is like a peace of fruit
life is like a still portrait; sitting still for hours in an awkward pose
life is like a contortionists smile
life is like a wake; people coming together
life is
life is like a simple truth
life is like a simulation
life is like time trapped in a bottle
life is like the impossible
life is like a bad wine; only enjoyed at low standards
life is like a crazy person giving good advice
life is like a triumvirate
life is like death
life is like blood
life is like eating your greens
life is like expectation
life is
life is not like rose
life is like sweet honey
life is like bitter sugar
life is like a Nobel prize; not always given to the deserving
life is like a landfill
life is like superman
life is like a poem on repeat
life is like the shiny new toy
life is like Freud, Grafenberg, Descartes, Jung, Plato, Nietzsche, Gendell, Sunzi, and Rosen all in one
life is like a lie
life is like a GPS with out street names or destinations
life is like cake
life is like a Vandergraph machine
life is like choice
life is like change
life is
life is like life

Monday, February 18, 2013

In frequent progress

I dropped the ball on regular posting. But I haven't stopped knitting so here is the update.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Prison Poem #20

I am myself alone.  I am a singular entity in a maelstrom of others.  I am by myself in the emptiness between others.  I am singular and solidly consistant, my size does not vary, my perseption limeted.  i have a singular perception, it being incomplete.  I am just me.  This is new.  What am I? A machine of biological complexity processing fuel, exerting waist, and expending energy?

I am everyone.  all ma I.  The one I see is me.  God perceives all.  I see the waring parties and they are themselves each other, they are me and I they.  We are me as I am all.  Love rains.  Im so alone I am more man then god.

I am a man searching for his god half.  I am a devine uncertainty with without divinity.  I am

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Intro spection

Walking to an open mic poetry reading that I will perform in I thought about the passage of time.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Finished a scarf

I finished this scarf for my mother it was supposed to be a present for the Solstice Holliday but I was late in its construction.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Small brake

I took some time off the scarf to work on a hat. So here's a picture of the hat.

Where would you rather live?